Facts and figures

Buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of energy consumption in the EU.



Educational instructions undertaken in rooms that are too hot or too cold can impact on learning.


Optimising the hydronic distribution of an existing system can on average reduce its energy consumption by up to 30%.


Close to 70% of all those people will live in cities, which highlights the importance of sustainable solutions when it comes to indoor climate comfort.

We spend 90% of our lives indoors.


Improved indoor environmental quality can reduce average time spent in hospitals by 11%.


According to recent research, improved indoor climate comfort can increase productivity by up to 11%.



In hotels, being able to set specific areas to recommended temperatures can result in energy savings of up to 20%.



80% of the buildings that we will live in by 2050 will have been built in 2012.


Using advanced control techniques for HVAC systems they can be operated closer to the specification limits and in return obtain the highest profitability in terms of energy efficiency.
